Best Rate Guarantee

Book directly with us and get the best rates

Book online on this website and get the guaranteed best rates available. We guarantee that our website will always offer the best rates available anywhere online for our hotel.

Should you find a lower rate on another website, within 24 hours of completing a reservation at, we will match the lower rate found and will discount it even further by an additional 10%, for the entire duration of the reservation originally made on

The Best Rate Guarantee is subject to the Best Rate Guarantee Terms and Conditions. Please review these before submitting your Best Rate Guarantee claim.

Best-Rate-Guarantee Terms & Conditions

Send a Best-Rate-Guarantee Claim

You booked with us and found a lower rate somewhere else?

We will review your 'Best Rate Guarantee' claim within 48 hours (working days only) of submission.

Please submit your claim using the following form.

Fasanenstrasse 9-10
D-10623 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-311 03-0
Fax +49-30-311 03-333